
2023-02-19 18:28:56


调用接口出错后,将不会返回结果数据。调用方可根据每个接口对应的错误码来定位错误原因。 当调用出错时,HTTP请求返回一个3xx,4xx或5xx的HTTP状态码。返回的消息体中是具体的错误代码及错误信息。在调用方找不到错误原因时,可以联系棱束链客服,并提供错误码,以便我们尽快帮您解决问题。



  • Content-Type: application/xml
  • 错误对应的3xx,4xx或5xx的HTTP状态码。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Message>Access Denied</Message>


元素名称 描述
Error 错误响应消息体XML结构中描述错误信息的根节点元素 。
Code 错误响应消息体XML中错误响应对应的HTTP消息返回码。
Message 错误响应消息体XML中具体错误更全面、详细的英文解释。
RequestId 本次错误请求的请求ID,用于错误定位。
HostId 返回该消息的服务端ID。

说明:许多错误响应包含其他的更丰富的错误信息, 建议将所有错误信息记入日志,方便程序员在诊断程序错误时阅读和理解。


状态码 错误码 错误信息
307 Redirect Temporary redirect. You are being redirected to the bucket while the Domain Name System (DNS) server is being updated
307 TemporaryRedirect You are being redirected to the bucket while the Domain Name System (DNS) server is being updated
400 AccessControlListNotSupported The bucket does not allow ACLs
400 AuthorizationHeaderMalformed The authorization header that you provided is not valid
400 AuthorizationMalformed The authorization that you provided is not valid
400 BadDigest The Content-MD5 or checksum value that you specified did not match what the server received
400 EntityTooLarge Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size
400 EntityTooSmall Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size. Each part must be at least 5 MB in size, except the last part
400 ExpirationTimeTooLong The expiration time max 15 days
400 GetPartListErrorCode Get part list error code error
400 GetUploadCompleteErrorCode Get upload complete error code error
400 GteNotifyConfigError Obtain notify config Error please try again later
400 GteUserInfoError Obtain user information Error please try again later
400 IncompleteBody You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header
400 InsufficientStorage Not enough storage space left to complete this upload
400 InterfaceServiceError Interface Service error please try again later
400 InvalidArgument Invalid Argument
400 InvalidBucketName The specified bucket is not valid
400 InvalidDigest The Content-MD5 or checksum value that you specified did not match what the server received
400 InvalidPart One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part might not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag might not have matched the part’s entity tag
400 InvalidPartNum The value of PartNumber is beyond the range 1 - 10000
400 InvalidPartOrder The list of parts was not in ascending order. The parts list must be specified in order by
400 InvalidRequest Invalid request
400 InvalidURI The specified URI couldn’t be parsed
400 KeyForbidden Key is forbidden
400 KeyTooLongError Your key is too long
400 MalformedKey Your Key is not in a valid format
400 MalformedPolicy Your policy contains a principal that is not valid
400 MalformedXML XML you provided was not well-formed or did not
400 MetadataTooLarge Your metadata headers exceed the maximum allowed metadata size
400 MissingRequestBodyError You sent an empty XML document as a request
400 NoDateProvided You did not provide the x-amz-date parameter
400 NoDateProvided You did not provide the x-amz-signature parameter
400 NoExpiresProvided You did not provide the x-amz-expires parameter
400 NoSuchEtag Storage cluster etag empty
400 NoSuchKeyAttribute The specified key attribute does not exist
400 NoSuchNotifyConfig The notification configuration does not exist
400 OutOfUploadSize Maximum upload size limit exceeded
400 Policy You must provide the x-amz-acl HTTP header
400 RawGetObjectSizeError Get raw object size error
400 UnknownError Unknown error
403 AccessDenied Access Denied
403 AccountProblem There is a problem with your account that prevents the operation from completing successfully
403 AuthorizationExpired The authorization you provided has expired
403 InvalidAccessKeyId The access key ID that you provided does not exist in our records
403 RefererACLForbidden Denied by Referer ACL
403 SecretPermissionDenied The secret permissions is insufficient for the current interface
403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature that the server calculated does not match the signature that you provided. Check your secret access key and signing method
403 UrlExpired The signature url you provided has expired
404 NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist
404 NoSuchBucketPolicy The specified bucket does not have a bucket policy
404 NoSuchCORSConfiguration The specified bucket does not have a CORS configuration
404 NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist
404 NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration The lifecycle configuration does not exist
404 NoSuchResources There is no such routing resource
404 NoSuchUpload The upload ID might be invalid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed
404 OwnershipControlsNotFoundError The bucket ownership controls were not found
411 MissingContentLength You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header
416 InvalidRange The requested range is not valid for the request. Try another range
500 InternalError An internal error occurred. Try again
500 ResponseMalformed The response error appears to be an internal error, please try again later
501 NotImplemented A header that you provided implies functionality that is not implemented
503 ServiceUnavailable Service is unable to handle request
503 SlowDown Reduce your request rate